What's Happening with LamarStyle
What's Happening with LamarStyle
Thursday, June 26, 2008
LaCie has done it again, a pocket size wonder
Click the photo for the latest in pocket size harddrives. 

Posted by Lamar at 6:03 AM CDT
Friday, April 25, 2008
USB charger
Found this colorful charger for your USB devices at

Posted by Lamar at 8:24 AM CDT
Sunday, December 23, 2007
New USB items
While cruising around the web, I found a couple new items that looked really interesting.
The first one is a new cradle and charger for your iPhone.  Check it out at usbfever.com
 The second one is a USB to VGA adapter, so you can connect your VGA monitor to a USB port.  Check it out at usbfever.com


Posted by Lamar at 7:56 AM CST

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