What's Happening with LamarStyle
What's Happening with LamarStyle
Friday, June 6, 2008
THE Guide for Sharpening Your Images
I found this great guide that helps Photoshop users understand the "Unsharp Mask".
It makes sharpening you images a breeze.
Check it out at "Photojojo". 

Posted by Lamar at 6:07 AM CDT
Saturday, April 19, 2008
CONGRATS to Jenny Ellerbe
A local "black & white" photograhic artist has made good.  Jenny Ellerbe made
photolucida's "Critical Mass Top 50, 2007".  Check out her gorgeous work at:

Posted by Lamar at 11:50 AM CDT
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Lowell EGO Lights for Food Photography
Looking for an inexpensive way to light your setups for food or small product photography?
Well, here it is:  Lowell EGO Lights.
In a round about way, I found out about them from the Still Life With blog
and then

Posted by Lamar at 7:08 AM CST
Updated: Saturday, March 8, 2008 7:10 AM CST
Monday, February 4, 2008
New group on flickr.com "St Francisville Louisiana"

I've started a new group on flickr.com, it's called "St Francisville Louisiana".

Do you have some images from the St Francisville area? Well, we need them in the group.

Come join us and share your photography.


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Posted by Lamar at 3:54 PM CST
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Mardi Gras at Thurman's Food Factory

Check out the slide show then view the images larger, below.

Thurman's Food Factory is the place to party during Mardi Gras.

Thurman makes some of the best king cakes.

Be sure to drop by and see Thurman and tell him what you think about his slideshow and photos.

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Posted by Lamar at 3:35 PM CST
Updated: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:46 PM CST
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Photography & food lovers, here's a behind the scenes video of a "food shoot" for Cottage Living

This sample of how to do food photography was found at stilllifewith.com.

If you haven't checked out Cottage Living, now is a good time to do so.

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Posted by Lamar at 11:14 AM CST
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Photo Lesson For The Day: Exporting full size iPhone photos

Today's photo lesson is about how to export full size iPhone photos. Those of you who are lucky

enough to have an iPhone have probably come across a little problem with the photos that you've taken

with your iPhone. The normal and suggested way to export your iPhone photos was to send them as an

email attachment. A super simple process on the iPhone. The problem was the fact that when that photo,

in your iPhone was 1600x1200 at 5.4M, when opened from the email was 640x480 at 900k. 640x480 is

fine for viewing on your computer screen but terrible when you want to print it. The actual size of

1600x1200 at 5.4M will give you a photographic quality printed 5x7.

So, how do we get the actual size photo file out of the iPhone so we can make quality prints?

It is very simple. Attach your iPhone to your computer and run the iPhoto application. When iPhoto is

running, it will ask you if you would like to import the iPhone photos. Click "OK". Now you will have

the higher quality 1600x1200 photo files on your computer and you can print them into quality 5x7's.

See if this works for you or if you have a better way to do it, let me know.

Enjoy those printed 5x7's.

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Posted by Lamar at 10:28 AM CST
Friday, January 4, 2008
Photoshop (even the Comics know)

Posted by Lamar at 5:36 AM CST
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday morning coffee from a Flickr friend
While doing my Sunday morning Flickr viewing and sipping my very bold
CDM coffee, I came across this image of coffee art.  I know I'm very limited
in seeing coffee art at this level, so I was impressed. The image was
created by "yoshike314".  Click here to see her wonderful images.


Posted by Lamar at 8:21 AM CDT
Saturday, August 25, 2007
One of my favorite flickr photographers, Mary Hockenbery, was mentioned in
this month's issue of the "Santa Fean".  Her mentioning was in an article
about the Fall art tours in New Mexico.  The above image represented the
Dixon Studio Tour, Nov 3-4.  I'm going to try to get there.
So, if you get the chance, go see her and tell her
Lamar said hi. 

Posted by Lamar at 7:22 AM CDT
Updated: Saturday, August 25, 2007 7:23 AM CDT

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